Saturday, October 29, 2022

Day 254: Supporting Evidence

A few days ago at the start of my walk around North Pond something caught my eye in the middle of the pond.

It was swimming straight towards the water's edge, near the cafe.

It was the beaver!!

Oh my gosh the beaver's back! It made it through all of the construction of the pond restoration project!

What a happy discovery. My heart was singing - I was SO EXCITED!!

Since that day I've been scouring the pond with an eagle-eyed intensity during my walks, determined to catch sign of my rodent friend once again.

Today, during my walk, I still did not see the beaver.
Nor did I get closer to figuring out where it's [new?] den is.

But I did catch sight of some supporting evidence that the beaver is indeed, back to stay at North Pond.


Exhibit(s) A

Exhibit B

What a great example of you see what you seek.

Yes, I wanted to actually SEE the beaver.
And while that hasn't happened YET, I still saw what I was seeking - proof that it was still around.
Proof on both sides of the pond, to be exact.

There's another saying that comes to mind for this,
What you focus on expands.

I feel like both of these sayings are helpful to keep in mind. Especially in today's world.

We are constantly inundated by information of all kinds - sometimes by choice, but often not.

We can focus on the things we don't want and thus, find proof to support whatever fear, stress, etc it brings up in us.


We can focus on the things we DO want and enjoy. And through our focus on such things, we amplify the benefit and the good feelings they bring. 

Supporting evidence is all around us, we just need to decide what we are hoping to see.

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