Thursday, September 22, 2022

Day 223: New Ringtone

Isn't it interesting that something as seemingly ordinary as a sound can make all the difference in how you interpret something?

It can be the difference between dread and delight.

Ok, so, say I had a really obnoxious ringtone during the time I was dating my last boyfriend and now when I hear my phone ring I get a sense of dread. Can I get rid of that by changing my ringtone?


Obviously (or maybe not so obvious), it's not the sound that is causing the dread, but rather the thought associated with the sound.

Changing the sound allows you to access a different perspective and build new associations to phone calls so that no matter the ringtone, you can feel relaxed and delighted.

Anything can be viewed as a dreaded phone call:
- feedback on a project
- interacting with strangers
- stretching
- etc

and conversely,

anything can be viewed as a relaxing and delightful phone call:
- learning something new
- meeting someone new
- stretching
- etc

Next time you experience feelings of dread or upset,
why not try out a new ringtone and try on a different perspective?

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