Tuesday, June 6, 2017

365 DW - Day 8

Day 8: High-Stakes Rescue Missions

Wake up, exercise, clean the bathroom. That was my plan for the morning. And it happened as expected until . . . my toothbrush fell down the sink drain. :(

Luckily it wasn't my oral hygiene toothbrush, it was my cleaning toothbrush. Regardless, I had a foreign object lost in the drain and I had to figure out how to rescue it.

The Scene: Bathroom Sink

The Problem: Trapped Toothbrush

Helllooooooooo down there!!!

Fingers weren't an option of rescue as mine are much too short. My next thought was tongs. I knew we had a few pair, one of them had to be the right size! Nope, all too big. What to use? What to use??

The Solution: Chopsticks

While wildly brilliant, chopsticks were no easy tool to use. Many failed attempts and brush drops occurred before the sticks pulled the brush up high enough for the finger recovery team to meet them at the ledge and pull the the brush onto solid ground.
The toothbrush, though wet, dirty, and a little banged up, was safe. 
After such a traumatic experience the toothbrush and chopsticks needed to take a breather before getting cleaned off and airlifted back to their respective homes, under the sink and in the garbage can (I'll let you decide which went where).

What an adventure! I'm glad I'm not a toothbrush or a chopstick, but I'm happy I was able to orchestrate such a successful operation. Clearly this shows I can now list 'Skilled at High-Stakes Rescue Missions' on my resume.

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